We are pleased to announce the launch of our Breath Control Accredited Organization partnership program. This new initiative seamlessly integrates breathwork as supplemental programming for rehabilitation and addiction treatment centres as well as private health clinics.
Breath Control Therapy is a powerful tool to help strengthen recovery from addiction to drugs or alcohol, mental health disorders and psychological injuries stemming from post traumatic, occupational and generational stress.
Read the whole story about how our partner Aurora Recovery Centre has implemented Breath Control Therapy into the clinical structured programming of their addiction treatment centre.
As a partner organization clinical practitioners, medical health professionals and community support workers have the opportunity to receive ongoing training in Breath Control Therapy(BCT). The treatment staff receive in-depth breathwork training from an occupationally aware professional breathing coach with emphasis on four main pillars.
- Somatic / Psychophysiological
- Biochemical
- Biomechanical
- Psychological
The breathwork training is sequntially ongoing with periodic facilitation audits to ensure the highest quality of treatment and patient care is being delivered.

Breathwork Session
This multipronged approach was designed to:
- integrate seamlessly to supplement existing clinical structured programming
- enhance the skillset and resource toolkit for clinical practitioners and health care professionals
- provide those struggling with addiction, trauma or mental illness the most immersive experience possible to assist with establishing and maintaining a long-term successful recovery while reducing the risk of relapse.
Visit the following pages on our website for more information around Breath Control’s approach towards addiction treatment and recovery or trauma injuries. To discuss further details about the benefits of becoming a Breath Control Accreddited Organization please feel free to contact us.
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