He has done it again! One of my great mentors and the Founder of the Breatheology Method Stig Severinsen has come out of retirement and a seven year hiatus to set a new Guiness World Record by pulling off the longest underwater dive in history of 202.0 m on a single breath hold, shattrering the past record.

Stig is a 4x Freediving world champion, was the first human beiing to hold his breath for longer than 20 minutes and has swam the furthest distance under ice on a single breathhold.

When asked What do you think is the most important takeaway from this new record? Stig had this to reply:

“The 2020 Dive” would be my way of expressing that in spite of a pandemic, loneliness, travel restrictions, social isolation, training challenges, delay and much more — we still have to stay positive, inventive and look at new ways of doing things. And stay focused on the correct priorities. Taking care of ourselves, each other, and nature.

“We must not let fear and panic take over — we must not be paralyzed and forget to focus on climate change, nature conservation, human health, and well-being.

My main message would be that with breathing practices and even breath holding, we can take the control back to ourselves. Control over our body (health and fitness) and our mind (positive thinking and thankfulness).”

Also — the reason I chose 202.0 meters is not coincidental. It represents the year 2020 and is a showcase of accuracy and dedication to hit a very specific number.”

Visit our Breatheology page to learn more about Stig and the benefits of the The Breatheology Method.

Stig Severinsen – Breatheology Founder setting new Guiness World Record for longest distance on single breathhold.

Read full interview with Stig Severensin and Stephanie Phellan here.

Congratulations Stig as you continue to inspire and spread the word of the benefits of the breath.